Fork/Join框架是Java 7提供的一个用于并行执行任务的框架,是一个把大任务分割成若干个小任务,最终汇总每个小任务结果后得到大任务结果的框架。Fork/Join框架要完成两件事情:
二,ForkJoinTask 任务
使用 Fork/Join 框架,首先需要创建一个 ForkJoin 任务
。该类提供了在任务中执行 fork
和 join
的机制。通常情况下我们不需要直接集成ForkJoinTask 类,只需要继承它的子类,重写 compute() 方法
。Fork/Join 框架提供了两个子类:
当我们调用ForkJoinTask的fork方法时,程序会把任务放在 ForkJoinWorkerThread 的 pushTask 的 workQueue
* Arranges to asynchronously execute this task in the pool the
* current task is running in, if applicable, or using the {@link
* ForkJoinPool#commonPool()} if not {@link #inForkJoinPool}. While
* it is not necessarily enforced, it is a usage error to fork a
* task more than once unless it has completed and been
* reinitialized. Subsequent modifications to the state of this
* task or any data it operates on are not necessarily
* consistently observable by any thread other than the one
* executing it unless preceded by a call to {@link #join} or
* related methods, or a call to {@link #isDone} returning {@code
* true}.
* @return {@code this}, to simplify usage
public final ForkJoinTask<V> fork() {
Thread t;
if ((t = Thread.currentThread()) instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread)
return this;
push 方法把当前任务存放在 ForkJoinTask 数组队列里。然后再调用 ForkJoinPool 的 signalWork() 方法唤醒或创建一个工作线程来执行任务
* Pushes a task. Call only by owner in unshared queues. (The
* shared-queue version is embedded in method externalPush.)
* @param task the task. Caller must ensure non-null.
* @throws RejectedExecutionException if array cannot be resized
final void push(ForkJoinTask<?> task) {
ForkJoinTask<?>[] a; ForkJoinPool p;
int b = base, s = top, n;
if ((a = array) != null) { // ignore if queue removed
int m = a.length - 1; // fenced write for task visibility
U.putOrderedObject(a, ((m & s) << ASHIFT) + ABASE, task);
U.putOrderedInt(this, QTOP, s + 1);
if ((n = s - b) <= 1) {
if ((p = pool) != null)
p.signalWork(p.workQueues, this);
else if (n >= m)
ForkJoinTask的 join 方法的实现原理
join 方法的主要作用是阻塞当前线程并等待获取结果。让我们一起看看 ForkJoinTask 的 join 方法的实现,代码如下:
* Returns the result of the computation when it {@link #isDone is
* done}. This method differs from {@link #get()} in that
* abnormal completion results in {@code RuntimeException} or
* {@code Error}, not {@code ExecutionException}, and that
* interrupts of the calling thread do <em>not</em> cause the
* method to abruptly return by throwing {@code
* InterruptedException}.
* @return the computed result
public final V join() {
int s;
if ((s = doJoin() & DONE_MASK) != NORMAL)
return getRawResult();
它首先调用 doJoin()
方法,通过 doJoin() 方法得到当前任务的状态来判断返回什么结果,任务状态有4种:已完成(NORMAL)、被取消(CANCELLED)、信号(SIGNAL)和出现异常(EXCEPTIONAL);
如果任务状态是被取消,则直接抛出 CancellationException
doJoin() 方法代码:
* Implementation for join, get, quietlyJoin. Directly handles
* only cases of already-completed, external wait, and
* unfork+exec. Others are relayed to ForkJoinPool.awaitJoin.
* @return status upon completion
private int doJoin() {
int s; Thread t; ForkJoinWorkerThread wt; ForkJoinPool.WorkQueue w;
return (s = status) < 0 ? s :
((t = Thread.currentThread()) instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread) ?
(w = (wt = (ForkJoinWorkerThread)t).workQueue).
tryUnpush(this) && (s = doExec()) < 0 ? s :
wt.pool.awaitJoin(w, this, 0L) :
在doJoin() 方法里,首先通过查看任务的状态,看任务是否已经执行完成,如果执行完成,则直接返回任务状态;如果没有执行完,则从任务数组里取出任务并执行。如果任务顺利执行完成,则设置任务状态为 NORMAL,如果出现异常,则记录异常,并将任务状态设置为EXCEPTIONAL。
ForkJoinTask 需要通过 ForkJoinPool 来执行。
ForkJoinPool 由 ForkJoinTask 数组
和 ForkJoinWorkerThread 数组
组成,ForkJoinTask 数组负责将存放程序提交给 ForkJoinPool,而ForkJoinWorkerThread 负责执行这些任务;
ForkJoinTask 在执行的时候可能会抛出异常,但不能在主线程里直接捕获异常,所以 ForkJoinTask 提供了 isCompletedAbnormally()
方法来检查任务是否已经抛出异常或已经被取消了,并且可以通过 ForkJoinTask 的 getException
* Returns the exception thrown by the base computation, or a
* {@code CancellationException} if cancelled, or {@code null} if
* none or if the method has not yet completed.
* @return the exception, or {@code null} if none
public final Throwable getException() {
int s = status & DONE_MASK;
return ((s >= NORMAL) ? null :
(s == CANCELLED) ? new CancellationException() :
import java.util.concurrent.*;
public class ForkJoinTaskDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// 创建 ForkJoinPool
ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool();
// 创建 RecursiveTask(ForkJoinTask) 实例
CountTask task = new CountTask(1, 4);
// 提交处理,接受返回结果
Future<Integer> result = pool.submit(task);
try {
System.out.println("计算结果=" + result.get());
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
public static class CountTask extends RecursiveTask<Integer> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7524245439872879478L;
private static final int THREAD_HOLD = 2;
private int start;
private int end;
public CountTask(int start,int end){
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
protected Integer compute() {
int sum = 0;
boolean canCompute = (end - start) <= THREAD_HOLD;
for(int i=start;i<=end;i++){
sum += i;
int middle = (start + end) / 2;
CountTask left = new CountTask(start,middle);
CountTask right = new CountTask(middle+1,end);
int lResult = left.join();
int rResult = right.join();
sum = lResult + rResult;
return sum;
通过这个例子,我们进一步了解 ForkJoinTask,ForkJoinTask 与一般任务的主要区别在于它需要实现 compute 方法
,在这个方法里,首先需要判断任务是否足够小,如果足够小就直接执行任务。如果不足够小,就必须分割成两个子任务,每个子任务在调用 fork 方法时,又会进入 compute 方法
,看看当前子任务是否需要继续分割成子任务,如果不需要继续分割,则执行当前子任务并返回结果。使用 join 方法会等待子任务执行完并得到其结果
在使用 ForkJoin 时需要注意,如果任务的划分层次很深,一直得不到返回,那么可能出现两种情况,①系统内的线程数量越积越多,导致性能严重下降;②函数的调用层次变得很深,最终导致栈溢出 StackOverflowError 。